
Chanda Lupambo is now in Advance and has been doing UCMAS since the age of 5. He is turning 12 on 19 August. Chanda’s UCMAS participation complements his school work as well as other hobbies he has such as coding, music and learning other languages. I believe mastering the Abacus, a complex task for a child, has benefits beyond mathematics. Most importantly, it gives a child confidence to tackle any complex learning task. In addition, it encourages a child to explore learning beyond the classroom in various fields of interest by themselves. I recommend UCMAS highly. Mother Name: Carlyn Davies; Father name: Dennis Lupambo; Child Name: Chanda Lupambo August 2017 - UCMAS Houghton Why UCMAS? UCMAS is a brick lay investment for our children. It´s foundation & core unleashes to this day the genius in each of our children. We have two wonderful boys, Luan (12 years) and Pablo (9 years) who in the past three and a half years have had their confidence boosted, participated in the World Arithmetic Championship in India 2015 and Dubai in 2016, and the National Championships. With 3rd place distinction in the World´s /1st place awards/best of 10 in the National´s - they´ve understood the value of hard work, daily practice, patience as they learned and mastered the formulas, driven 1200km to knock on the door of education. This has been a two tier approach, as their tutor and mentor has done the same travelling to work with them. Together they have ploughed through endless papers, finger exercises, listening exercises - it has provided a sense of achievement, promoted intuitive thinking that wasn´t there, enhanced problem-solving capability in all aspects of their life. Moreover, it has had a positive impact on their understanding of surroundings and their social and emotional intelligence. UCMAS has also enhanced their creativity, and ultimately has improved their concentration and mental endurance. Today, Tiaan and I timed myself (Úrsula-mother) against Luan, and I realised that I with a calculator was slower than Luan. By far Luan and Pablo have improved in speed and accuracy (also in areas other than abacus calculation). I am grateful to Tiaan, and his family for all they have done for Luan and Pablo, and for us as parents. We are better parents because of UCMAS, and our children are genius in their own time, area of interest because of the potential that has been unleashed by their exposition to UCMAS learning. Thank you for all you do. Ármindo and Úrsula. Mother Name: Ursula Xavier; Father name: Armindo Xavier; Children Names: Luan & Pablo Xavier August 2017 - UCMAS Houghton

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